Revolutionizing Insurance With AI And Emerging Technologies
Revolutionizing Insurance With AI And Emerging Technologies

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The session titled “Unleashing the Power of AI, Machine Learning, and Emerging Technologies in Insurance: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities” was held under the moderation of Hakan Güldağ, Chairman of EKONOMİ Newspaper. Panelists included Cenk Tabakoğlu, CEO of Lumnion; Dario Schiller, COO of Ultimate Risk Solutions Italia; Korhan Kuyu, Deputy Chief Executive of Anadolu Sigorta; and Mutlu Uğursal, CEO of Agito Software & Consulting.

The discussion highlighted the pivotal moment the insurance sector is experiencing due to digital transformation. Key topics addressed included the impactful role of artificial intelligence in marketing and product development, along with the automation of routine tasks within the industry. The panel also delved into important issues such as data privacy, the ethics of AI, integration challenges with legacy systems, and the necessity for enhanced technical skills among employees.

This robust dialogue emphasized the opportunities presented by emerging technologies, as well as the challenges that the industry must navigate to fully leverage these advancements.

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