SAB Delegation Visits Anadolu Sigorta
SAB Delegation Visits Anadolu Sigorta

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The board delegation of the SAB Insurance Agents Association visited Mr. Mehmet Tuğtan, the new General Manager of Anadolu Sigorta, and his team. This initial visit took place following Tuğtan’s appointment and hosted significant exchanges of views on the industry. Ayhan Çalık congratulated Anadolu Sigorta on opening a regional office in KidZania, emphasizing that such investments in raising insurance awareness are crucial for the sector. Çalık also highlighted the necessity for industry stakeholders to collaborate. The delegation had the opportunity to learn about Tuğtan’s perspective on the sector from both an insurance and banking standpoint. Tuğtan emphasized the increasing importance Anadolu Sigorta places on communication with agents and thanked the SAB delegation for their hospitality.

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