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In a moving salute to the youth of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s words resonate: “Ey yükselen yeni nesil! Gelecek sizindir. Cumhuriyeti biz kurduk, onu sonsuza...
The TOBB Insurance Executives paid a courtesy visit to the newly established management board to extend their congratulations. The meeting fostered an opportunity for dialogue...
In recognition of the resilience of children affected by the February 6 earthquakes, students from Gülseren – Hüseyin Doğan Primary School created artworks that embody...
On April 22, 2024, Turkish Minister of Treasury and Finance, Mehmet Şimşek, expressed his surprise regarding the political exploitation of the term “locals” within the...
This April 23rd, in celebration of National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, Allianz is encouraging families to secure their children’s futures through the Hediye BES program....
Anadolu Sigorta continues to foster a vibrant workplace culture by organizing face-to-face meetings dubbed TEMAS, where both new and long-standing employees can connect and share...