The Turkish Insurance Experts Association has announced the schedule for the 2024 Insurance Experts Renewal Training. Only licensed insurance experts are eligible to apply, particularly those who acquired their license before January 1, 2019, and those who need to complete the renewal training as mandated by Article 12 of the Insurance Experts Regulation. Experts licensed after January 1, 2019, as well as those who have previously completed renewal training but are now due for their five-year recertification, may also participate in the training.
Applicants must enroll in training relevant to their specific expertise and complete a foundational training module, which is compulsory for all experts. Those who do not complete the foundational training will be considered as not having fulfilled their educational requirements, even if they complete trainings in their specific fields.
The application period for these courses runs from February 9 to November 15, 2024, with the training itself taking place between February 12 and November 29, 2024. Experts can verify their prior training completions since 2013 through the provided link to ascertain their required courses based on their licensed branches.
For more comprehensive information, visit the official site.