The 3rd International Insurance Fair and Congress has officially commenced in Antalya, supported by the Türkiye Insurance Association (TSB) and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). TSB President Uğur Gülen highlighted that this year’s Insurance Week has been particularly fruitful, emphasizing the importance of such gatherings in TSB’s mission to ensure that no individual is left uninsured in Turkey. Gülen set ambitious targets to increase insurance penetration in the country to 7-8% over the next decade, achieve 100% coverage in mandatory insurance, and raise the share of the Private Pension System (BES) within the financial system to over 20%. “We believe we will achieve these goals, as we know and trust that ‘Insurance is important, it is life itself,'” he stated.
In a separate address, Davut Menteş, President of the Insurance and Private Pension Regulatory and Supervision Agency (SEDDK), underscored that the key component of the insurance ecosystem is the policyholders. He stressed the necessity for the ecosystem to evolve and grow while enhancing satisfaction for all stakeholders. Menteş pointed out that SEDDK’s main function is to oversee the significant enhancement of financial resilience within the ecosystem, asserting that it is the market participants who will ultimately drive the growth of the insurance sector under free market conditions.