Insurance Experts Explore Electric Vehicle Training at TOGG Facility

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Members of the Insurance Experts Executive Committee and representatives from professional organizations recently visited the TOGG Technology and Production Campus. The purpose of the visit was to collaborate on electric vehicle training for insurance experts and to examine the production processes of vehicles manufactured by TOGG.

Ahmet Nedim Erdem, Chairman of the Insurance Experts Executive Committee, expressed pride in encountering a modern vehicle manufacturing facility that meets world standards. He noted, “As insurance experts, we observed first-hand the production stages, confirming that the production line is of the same caliber and quality as those on a global scale.” He extended gratitude to TOGG officials for their valuable collaboration and hospitality related to the upcoming electric vehicle training programs.

Erdem emphasized the commitment of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and insurance experts to support the technological advancement and growth of the domestic automobile industry represented by TOGG. “We take pride in TOGG’s expansion in both technological and other areas,” he added.

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